Ministry Data Shows There Are 130,424 Drug Abusers in Nepal

Published 2023 Jun 27 Tuesday

Kathmandu: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Narayan Kaji Shrestha, emphasized the importance of collective efforts in combating drug abuse and addressing its multifaceted consequences.

Speaking at an event organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs to observe the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2023, Minister Shrestha highlighted the need to curb drug abuse in order to foster a healthy, civilized, and prosperous society.

The Minister underscored the government's commitment to enhance the effectiveness of preventive measures against drug abuse and illicit trafficking by fostering coordination and cooperation among various state bodies. He emphasized the significant role of public awareness in preventing drug abuse, stating that forging national unity against drug-related crimes is crucial for holistic development, national prosperity, peace, order, and good governance. Implementing national policies, strategies, and legal provisions against illegal drug use effectively requires dedicated efforts from all stakeholders.

Minister Shrestha further emphasized the importance of mutual coordination and collaboration in regulating the production, supply, storage, transportation, and use of drugs to control and prevent drug abuse. He suggested launching campaigns to treat patients suffering from substance abuse, manage their rehabilitation, and integrate them back into society.

Home Secretary Dinesh Bhattarai highlighted the severe health complications caused by drug abuse and its detrimental impact on families, leading to social disorder and financial crimes. He emphasized the necessity of preventing drug abuse to safeguard security.

Surendra Basent, Vice-Chair of the National Youth Council, stressed the collective responsibility of individuals, society, and the nation in discouraging and addressing substance abuse.

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed on June 26 each year, with this year's theme being "People First: stop stigma and Discrimination, strengthen Prevention." The United Nations General Assembly designated June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on December 7, 1987.

According to Ministry data, there are 130,424 drug abusers in the country. As of the Nepali month of Chaitra, 2079 BS (mid-March to mid-April 2023), the police have arrested 4,220 individuals in drug abuse cases, accounting for 20.73 percent of total crime cases. Approximately 5,911 people are serving sentences in prison for drug abuse, while around 5,000 drug abusers are undergoing rehabilitation. Various awareness programs, including videos, plays, dances, and poems, involving the police, Armed Police Force, and students, were organized to raise awareness about drug abuse.

During the event, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha presented appreciation letters to security forces and various organizations for their contributions in combating drug abuse.

Earlier in the day, a morning procession was held to raise awareness about drug abuse. The procession, led by DPM Shrestha and Home Minister Shrestha, commenced from Bhrikutimandap, passed through Bhadrakali Temple and Bhrikutimandap, and concluded at the City Hall. The procession included participation from Home Secretary Dinesh Bhattarai, Inspector General of Police Basanta Bahadur Kunwar, Inspector General of Armed Police Force Raju Aryal, senior officials from the Ministry, and students.
